


TAI CHI With Moira Langan #6

The ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi with self-paced gentle movements known as “Meditation in Motion”. Moira has had an interest in holistic therapies for many years. She is qualified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, Indian Head Massage Therapist. A qualified Tai Chi Instructor for...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Reading the Bible with Leonard Cohen #2 – Led by Séan Goan

10.00am - 3.00pm | Booking Essential | Cost: €30 | Packed lunch required. The second of two days exploring the legendary singer/songwriter’s wrestling with and responding to the presence and absence of God, and what we can learn from his lyrics.   Séan Goan is...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Friday morning Film Club #4 – ‘The Grinch’

You are warmly invited to our next meeting of the Friday morning Film Club in the Margaret Aylward Centre on the 6th December 11.00am-1.00pm | Booking Essential | Suggested Donation: €5 This month we will be showing the film ‘The Grinch’ The story of a cynical...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Creation: A Sacred Gift #4 – Winter Solstice

The final in a series of Centre-run events celebrating the gift of creation and the wonder of the earth. 11.00am - 1.00pm| Booking Essential| Suggested Donation €5.  

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Friday Morning Film Club #1 – The Dish

You are warmly invited to our next meeting of the Friday morning Film Club in the Margaret Aylward Centre. This month we will be showing the film ‘The Dish’. A remote Australian Community, populated by quirky characters, plays a key role in the first Apollo moon...

Margaret Aylward Centre , Ireland

Reading Room – Borrowing

Open for Borrowing on Wednesday, 12 February at 10am until 1pm and Discussion on Wednesday, 26 February at 11am until 1pm, and on successive alternate Wednesdays thereafter. Reading Room membership is €20 per annum. For more details contact the Centre.